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When You Realize the Value of Life

I've started reflecting on some things in my life and I wonder how many of us really take the time to evaluate where we are. How did we get there? What decisions did we have to make to be where we are at today? What did we give up and what did we gain? I know this seems very vague and quite frankly, it can be. But my pondering started leading to thoughts like, do we really value where we are currently at in life. The life we lead, the job we have, the family and children we have. Are we really valuing our time in this place or are we constantly looking forward to the next thing. 

I think this is something that i have struggled with all my life is always looking forward to whats next and what can be in our future, which is of course natural and good to have vision, dreams, and hopes. HOWEVER am I really taking the time to love, value, and enjoy the moments I am in right now. Recently I have gone through some health issues which has honestly made me stop and look at my life, my health, and the blessings that I have been given. 

I have always desired and made it known to anyone I come in contact with that we want 6 kids! Most peoples reaction is appalled or "Wow good for you!" or "Just wait till you have 4, you will change your mind!" BUT you know what? I honestly desire to have my home filled with 6 children. Its a desire that the Lord placed in me long before having being married and since having 2 children the desire has continued to grow. Plus, my husband wants the same thing, so Im not just off on this crazy journey by myself! Unfortunately though, I think my mindset can get focused on having the next baby and trying to get pregnant, more than just enjoy the two babies that I have already been given. I know that there is a balance in everything, and of course trying to for more babies is good! But I want to stop and evaluate where I am in this moment. I have a crazy, strong spirited, most encouraging joyful 2 year old girl that makes me laugh constantly throughout the day. And a beautiful, brute, husky, snuggly 1 year old boy who makes my heart melt. I have the blessings that I have longed for all my life right in front of me and I all I have to do is change my mindset to just ENJOY them and VALUE my time with them. 

So really it all comes back to the fact of, do you really value where you are at in this moment of time? Our life is full of building for the future, in ministry and in our family. We are have a calling and vision that the Lord has given to us for our Student Ministries and for our whole church. But I want to work on taking in and enjoying where we are at now. I honestly think this is applicable in to anyone, anywhere. This world is fast pace and constantly changing, are we allowing ourselves to really enjoy it or just get through another day? 

I know a lot of people who are going through "storms" right now, whether it be marriages, families, jobs, finances, etc. Im sure your wishing that this time would end fast and something new would happen and that you would have a million reasons of why not to enjoy your life right now. But my response to you would be, are your eyes on the Lord and not the storm and if they are, then the Lord is going to use this time in your life and one day you will be able to look back wished you would have enjoyed it just a little bit more. Yea troubles suck. But God did not put us in situations just to watch us go crazy and constantly be upset about it, even in the hard times He wants us to enjoy what we have been given. 

SO with all that said, ENJOY and LOVE your life, in this moment, in this time. 


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