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Showing posts from October, 2014

When You Realize the Value of Life

I've started reflecting on some things in my life and I wonder how many of us really take the time to evaluate where we are. How did we get there? What decisions did we have to make to be where we are at today? What did we give up and what did we gain? I know this seems very vague and quite frankly, it can be. But my pondering started leading to thoughts like, do we really value where we are currently at in life. The life we lead, the job we have, the family and children we have. Are we really valuing our time in this place or are we constantly looking forward to the next thing.  I think this is something that i have struggled with all my life is always looking forward to whats next and what can be in our future, which is of course natural and good to have vision, dreams, and hopes. HOWEVER am I really taking the time to love, value, and enjoy the moments I am in right now. Recently I have gone through some health issues which has honestly made me stop and look at my life, my